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Welcome to Java

Of all the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia, Java is king. It may not have the beaches of Bali, the jungles of Kalimantan, or the remoteness of Papua, but it’s the heart of the country. Java dominates Indonesian social, political and economic life. With a population of 200 million and home to 60% of Indonesia’s population, it is the world’s most populous island, and one of the most densely populat ed regions in the world. The Indonesian capital city Jakarta is in west Java. Java lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east and is divided into four provinces, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten, with two special districts, Jakarta and Yogyakarta.

Good to Know

Part of Indonesia
Visa Requirements
Everyone needs a visa.
Languages spoken
Bahasa Indonesia, English
Currency used
IDR ( Rp )

East Java


Arrival at airport of morning flight for transfer to Mt. Ijen area that takes about 6 hours drive. En route viewing picturesque countryside, rural settlements and vast coffee plantation. Overnight at Ijen simple Guest House. Lunch and dinner included.

DAY 2: IJEN – BROMO ( B, L, D )
Early morning start Ijen hiking. At the top, the crater lake is filled with a haunting turquoise blue-lake, its surface streaked in wind-blow pattern of yellow sulphur ous vapour. It may become one of unforgett-able experience (weather permitted). Then transfer to Mt. Bromo area for overnight with Lunch and dinner.

Early morning join Mt. Bromo excursion to witness a magnificent view of Mt. Bromo and its surrounding and beautiful sunrise (weather permitted). Parts of the tour is conducted by ponyride. Then transfer to Surabaya for onward flight departure.

Central Java


Pick up at airport in Jogjakarta. Then transfer to your hotel. Free program.

The famous city of Jogjakarta – you should look at calmly. Visit the Royal Mosque, the Sultan’s Palace and stroll through the narrow streets of the Tamansari area with its countless batik galleries. Then you will visit the traditional medicine.The afternoon is available for walking in the rice fields(B)
On Request: We can organize Yoga / Pilates exercises especially for you.

Your morning begins with a sensational drive to the Menoreh peak following the scenic back roads through the intensely green countryside. Here you have time to enjoy the magnificent views of the Sindoro/Sumbing and Merapi/ Merbabu volcanoes. Hiking for about 1 ½ hours, you’ll pass through an impressive steeply terraced landscape with a bird’s eye view of the Borobudur Temple below you. Re-board the coach and head towards the stunning Buddhist Temple of Borobudur built in the 8th/9th century. Enjoy the peaceful situation in the Buddhist monastery Mendut(B)

Experience the depths of the Kaliurang rain forest during your five-hour walk through valleys, gorges and rivers, en route to the slopes of Mount Merapi (2.950 m), one of the most active volcanoes in the world, to watch the sunrise. You’ll see a rich variety of tropical plants, fruits, birds, giant spiders, unique vegetation and the beautiful green landscape in the cool mountain air. But you can also watch the effects of the last eruption of 2010. The afternoon is at your free disposal. (B/L)


Drive through fertile rice fields till you reach the Royal graveyard of Imogiri situated on a hill overlooking the lush green plains. Open only on Sundays and Mondays from 10 am to 1 pm and on Fridays from 1 to 4 pm. The inner courts can only be entered wearing traditional Javanese batik cloths, which can be rented at the entrance. Don’t miss the opening ceremony, a rich mix of Javanese Mysticism and Islam. Afterwards, visit a local market where you can find local food such as jackfruit, tofu and tempe. Drive along a river and reach the black sandy beach of Parangtritis. If time allows, you can visit a fountain of youth and /or a meditation cave nearby before you watch the sunset from a beautifully set beach resort on the cliffs (B)

Today you start with a ride to Ratu Boko Palace. If the weather is clear you can see the Merapi volcano. On request exercise here Yoga/Yogalates. Afterwards explore the temple and walk down to Banyunibo Temple, passing villages and rice fields. Return to hotel. (B) 
On request: Enjoy some relaxing hours in a SPA. In the evening watch the leather puppet show.

Drive to the slopes of Mount Lawu (3.265 m) to discover the 14th century
Temple Complex of Cetho dedicated to Bima, often mysteriously covered in
misty clouds. Then you will hike along tea plantations, through pine forests to the Sukuh Temple with its unique architecture. You will spend the night in the beautifully located Sukuh Cottages, which offer a unique view. (B)

Depending on the point of departure and time, you can go directly to the airport of Solo or Jogjakarta. (B)

NOTE : Depending on your interests, this program may be extended, shortened or modified.



Arrival in Jakarta
Transfer to hotel in Bogor. We may need some 3 hrs drive from the airport to Bogor in the hinterland.
Rest time
Hotel plan : Salak The Heritage

Check out from hotel.
Bogor is famous because of its Botanical Garden which borders the Palace Grounds, covering an area of 87 hectares with thousands of species of plant-life from all over the world, including towering old trees and the rarest kinds of orchids. See the original “Have a Brazilliensis” rubber tree, formerly imported from Brazil, and many other plant species. From this botanical garden, we head to Puncak area, app 3.5 hr drive from Bandung.
Puncak is famous of it’s vast tea plantation with cool mountain air and scenic view over the northern lowland.
Stay overnight in Bandung.
Hotel plan : Ibis trans studio Bandung

Bandung largely laid out around 1920 by Dutch urban planners as the first “modern” city in the Indies, and still today perhaps the most “European” of all Indonesian cities. The city of Bandung is located on a high plateau at an altitude of 768 metres and surrounded on all sides by lofty mountain ridges and volcanic peaks. You will visit Tangkuban Perahu Nature Reserve and its main attraction “drive-in” Tangkuban Perahu volcano. Then, to Sariater tea plantation.
In the afternoon you will visit Saung Angklung Udjo, Sundanese Art & Bamboo Craft Centre, where you will see how angklung is made, how to play it and witness breathtaking performance. Angklung is traditional musical instrument consisting of bamboo tubes suspended in a bamboo frame, bound with rattan cords; angklung is listed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Hotel plan : Ibis trans studio Bandung

Today we have a full day drive all the way from Bandung on West Java to Wonosobo town on the highland of Dieng.
We will be passing many villages, small town, local farmland, towering hills, rice field, with some stops at beautiful sport along the way.
The drive today will be app 12 – 1 3hr drive, covering a distance of app 340 km.
Stay at hotel in Wonosobo.
Hotel plan : Kresna Gallery

After breakfast,  we  drive to Dieng highland, the largest highland plateau in Java, lies on the altitude of app 2,000 meter above sea level. This highland complex of volcano consist of 11 cones with 9 fumaroles. As it lies on the very highland, the temperature in day time is about 15 C degree at the average, but can drop to zero in rainy season time. Today we visit the Dieng complex temples which is dedicated to Siva God, the god of the Destruction. Dieng highland supposed to be the center of the Hinduism teaching on 8th century. (A statue of Siva from the Dieng plateau can be seen in the National Museum in Jakarta). This temple complex was built in 2 stages, 8th and 9th century, surrounded by peaceful towering green mountains. The highland of Dieng lies about 2,000 meter above sea level. Dieng itself driven from the word Di Hyang, or Abode of the Gods. We will visit some small temples as well as the lake on this highland.
After the visit, we proceed to Magelang town, app 4 hr drive from Dieng.
Hotel plan : Grand  Artos Magelang

Today, we visit Borobudur Temple (only from outer wall area).
This huge Buddhist pyramid is a Buddhism’s largest shrine in Indonesia, built in the 9th century. Located north west of Jogyakarta, Borobudur was completed in the second half of the ninth century. Borobudur was unknown and neglected for almost a thousand years, covered under thick layers of volcanic ash. From a far Borobudur looks like a huge but ordinary stone construction. But from nearby we can see that it consists of hundreds of wonderfully detailed statues and sculptures, representing Buddhist teachings mixed with images of Javanese life of a thousand years ago.
We then continue to Taman Sari, also known by the Dutch name waterkasteel (water castle). It was built as a pleasure garden by the first Sultan in 1765. One of the bathing pools was dedicated to the sultan’s harem, and he had a tower overlooking the area so he could take his pick.
Also, we will visit the King Palace of Jogjakarta
Rest time in the afternoon. (VISIT art gallery, Ramayana Ballet, etc)
Hotel plan : Gallery Prawirotaman

Check out from hotel. Then, we head to the stunning Prambanan Temple, one of the most beautiful Hindu temples in Indonesia. The local people also call the temple as the Roro Jonggrang, meaning the temple of the slender virgin. According to the local belief, the temple was a beautiful virgin, who was cursed after ignoring her promise.
Then, we head to Solo Town, where we will have a visit to the Kraton, the Palace of the Pakubuwono Kings, built in 1675 combining Javanese and classical European styles. Enroute we visit Windujenar antiques market looking for curiosities.  From Solo, we will head to the western slope of Mount Lawu and visit the 15th-century Javanese-Hindu temples of Candi Ceto and Candi Sukuh, which looks surprisingly like a Mayan pyramid. By this time, Javanese religion and art had diverged from Indian precepts that had been so influential on temples styles during the 8-10th century. This area was the last significant area of temple building in Java before the island’s courts were converted to Islam in the 16th century
Stay at hotel in Solo.
Hotel plan : Villa Rumah Batu, Solo

We travel today to Mount Bromo, an active volcano that stands at 2,329 meters.
We will drive all the way by our car, via the new toll road in Central and East Java. We may need some 6.5 hrs to reach the highland of Bromo.
Bromo is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The slope of the mountain is cultivated by the local Tenggerese farmers with the market of vegetables. The Tenggerese history can be traced back to the peoples of the Majapahit Kingdom who fled their land following an eruption from Mount Merapi. They are the only group of Hindus left in Java today. We have an early night in preparation for the sunrise climb tomorrow.
Stay at hotel Lava View.

Very early in the morning, we walk to the huge caldera of active Mt. Bromo,  then climb to the crater  through the 245 steps. After enjoying  the sunrise time here, we drive by jeep to the famous view point at Mt. Pananjakan (2,750m) on the rim of the Tengger caldera to enjoy the spectacular view of Bromo Highland. You will see the huge Bromo Caldera, active volcano Mr. Semeru, and some other towering but inactive volcano nearby. The 4WD will bring us back to the lodge for breakfast. At the appropriate time, we check out from hotel, then drive to Ijen highland.
Hotel plan : Ijen Cliff resort

Around midnight direction Paltuding. Once there, the approximately 2-hour climb begins on foot to the crater of the Ijen Plateau.
Recommendation to Leave at 01:00 AM to experience the natural wonders of the Blue Fire. After the climb, it goes down about 700 meters steeply into the crater of Mt. Ijen.
The strenuous climb is rewarded. Arriving at the 2,443-meter summit, you will experience a fantastic, magical view over the greenish blue lake of the Ijen Crater at sunrise, the most poisonous lake in the world. On the way, they will meet the numerous workers, who will break down the sulphur and transport it into the valley in their baskets of up to 70 kilograms. Once in the valley, do not miss to stop by the weighing station to experience how hard the brave miners must toil. Before heading back to the hotel, enjoy a cup of fresh coffee, fruits and local snacks in a typical Javanese waroeng at the entrance to the national park. we will continue our trip to Ketapang harbor then take Ferry to Gilimanuk/Bali then drop off you at hotel in Bali.

Note: Depending on your interests, this program may be extended, shortened or modified.

Tour Packages

Java - Bali Overland 11 Days

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Tour Name A

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Tour Name A

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